December 1

Happy December!

We started the month with MOPS, which was lots of fun. Except that it meant Daisy went five hours without a nap, when she usually only stays away for two hours. Surprisingly, she didn't explode. Instead, when I finally put her down for a nap she just slept for three and a half hours. I'll take it!

Between MOPS and three-hour naps for both kids, I didn't get around to pictures until dinner time.
Correction: Chris took pictures at dinner time.

This happy boy ate one kiwi, one clementine, one whole wheat tortilla, a yogurt popsicle, some hummus, tortilla chips, and guacamole for dinner. (It was a leftovers-for-dinner kind of night, so he got to eat whatever he wanted.) When I listed all of the things he had eaten to Chris, I realized (out loud) that he sounded just like the very hungry caterpillar. Caleb's response? "And then you were a beee-utiful butterfly! Flutter flutter flutter!"
Love him.

The girl, meanwhile,went to town on some broccoli. Seriously, Daisy LOVES it! I also gave her some banana, but the broccoli was the clear favorite. Even better than the broccoli, though, was water in a straw. 

Since I'm possibly the clumsiest person ever, I always drink my water from a cup with a straw. Otherwise, I end up pouring the water all over my face. (What can I say? I get excited about drinking my water!) I've taken to giving Daisy sips of water with my straw, eye-dropper-style. It's like I'm feeding her pixie dust and liquid gold and everything good and beautiful in life. She goes crazy for it! Now, if I'm holding Daisy and go to take a drink of water, she lunges for my cup and generally causes a big spill. (Remember - I'm clumsy!) So she was one happy camper when dinner tonight involved broccoli and water from the straw!

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