December 28

It's official: Daisy is a scooter.

I'm blaming it on the slick, carpet-less floors in our house. They make it way easier to scoot instead of crawling.

She's also working mightily to pull up, but isn't quite there yet.
(By the way, don't you love the little socks with bows on the toes? They were a Christmas gift from Chris' mom. Love them!)


The scooting only happens when Daisy wants something that's just out of reach. She lunges for it, falls short, and drags her little body forward.

(She really loves her "Who Loves Daisy?" book. It was her main Christmas gift from us this year, and I'm grateful to Amber D for telling me about the company that could help me make it a board book. I feel much better about letting her chew and slobber on a board book than on a paper book.)

Most of the time she bends her little body so far that she ends up doing the splits. It kills me how bendy babies are! Want to see her in action?

Isn't she funny?

She's quite proud of herself.

Yay, Daisy!

(She's not actually smiling at me. She's smiling at an old McDonald's 3-and-under toy that is her new favorite. It's a little blue plastic camera that has a squeaking shutter button. She loves it.)

That squeak is really captivating!
The end justfies the means, though, and I'm really happy to have these sweet, smiley photos of my girl!

(Caleb got the shaft today - no photos. But you can imagine him running around in his Lightning McQueen slippers. I even let him wear them instead of shoes on a trip to the hardware store. At the store I let him - in his slippers - sit on one of the "tractors". Kid was in heaven.)

1 comment:

  1. need board book info--what a great idea!!!!
