December 24

This post is a bit late - we got home from celebrating Christmas with my family around 10:00, and then Caleb had a meltdown of epic proportions. Who can blame him, though? He was great all day, and then he'd had enough. By the time both kiddos were in bed, Chris and I were exhausted.

It was a great Christmas Eve, though. Different, but great. Jenny had to work, so we split our celebrating to accomodate her schedule. Gift-opening, then church, then dinner. And it worked!

Poor Max was really sick, but he tried his best to join in the festivities.

Jenny was able to fit in some celebration before she headed off to work.

Caleb loves presents!

Then we went to church. Daisy was due for a nap, so I chose to wear her in the wrap instead of putting her in childcare. When the music started up, though, I started questioning my logic. It was definitely a rockin' Christmas Eve at our church. But Daisy's response to the loud, booming music was awesome. She started waving her arms and kicking her legs - hard. She loved it! Daisy was kicking her legs so hard that it shook my whole body. Everyone around us couldn't help but notice, and they all laughed and laughed. During "O Come Emmanuel", Daisy started cooing along. It was pretty much the most amazing thing ever.

That is, until Chris fetched Caleb from childcare. He brought him back before the service was over, so he got to sing a few songs with us. Caleb brought with him the craft he had made in church - a star on a stick. The star said "Happy Birthday, Jesus!" As we started singing, Caleb held his little star in the air and waved it back and forth to the music while Daisy kicked her legs in joy. And then my heart melted.

Then we headed back to my parents' house to open presents.

It's hard to believe that this was Daisy's first Christmas - it feels like she's been with us forever! Plus, she was an old pro at the gift-opening.

She loved the shiny bows!

Grandma and Grandpa gave her an activity table, which was a big win. She loved it!

Ryan got an Xbox 360. Also a win.

Mom figured out that the key to a great Christmas Eve is playing with the babies while her children do the work. It worked out pretty well for all of us!

Dad was tickled by his new wrenches. Fun!

All the boys gathered around the TV as Ryan tried out his new game.

Also, there were watermelon sticks. Caleb ate all of them. He was in heaven.

Happy first Christmas, Daisy!

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