December 13

Stomach bug.

Praying the kids don't get it; Chris is feeling a little yucky and I'm praying it passes over him.

Caleb was really sweet about it, though. All day, he'd look at me and say, "Mommy is not well? Mommy is good!" He tried everything in his arsenal to make me feel better: telling me I'm good (I often tell him he's a good boy; that must make him feel happy, and he's trying to do the same for me.), telling me I'm handsome (We then had a talk about how boys are handsome and girls are beautiful. Then he told me three or four times in a row, "Mommy is beautiful. Mommy, you are beautiful." He even called Daisy beautiful a few hours later.), kisses, snuggles, hugs, and best of all, being cooperative.

Though none of those things made my stomach stop churning or compensated for the fact that I'd been without food for twenty-four hours, they did help my heart a lot. It's so gratifying to know that we are loving our son well enough that he also desires to share love with other people. Seeing his developing sense of compassion makes my heart skip a beat, and it makes me feel like maybe - just maybe - we're doing something right.

But I didn't take any pictures of him today.

All I got was this one of Daisy:

It reminds me of this one of me that I scanned at the request of GREAT Aunt Maggie.

My mom says I was six months old, but loyal reader Jen (shout out to Jen! Heeeeyyyy!) suggested that I look quite a bit older. I agree - maybe I was one?

Anyway. Off to attempt to drink some water or 7-up. Praying this thing is gone in the morning!

Oh, also? Caleb miraculously "found" Daisy's hairbrush today. He dug it out of a box, lifted it in the air, and proudly proclaimed, "HERE is Daisy's hairbrush!"
1. He remembered that we were looking for it yesterday.
2. He somehow knew exactly where it was.

He's a funny boy, but that hairbrush is now put safely away. Daisy will be better-groomed tomorrow.


  1. She looks exactly like you! Very cute!

  2. Hey! Thanks for the shout out. It was especially great timing, because I was sharing your blog with my kids today--as we were starting blogging with them--and so as I read it I got to say: "Hey, that's me!" And again, you totally rock this blog. LOVE hearing your stories, and I laugh because I think we must live parallel lives. I swear that the things you post happen to us around the same times. It's weird, but really great. Keep it up, sista!
