December 20

Today involved more grocery shopping and some great naps for the kiddos and online shopping for me. Thus, I didn't get my camera out until late afternoon. Here's what our evenings look like:

I took a cue from my dear friend Amber and plopped Caleb on the kitchen counter while Daisy napped. (Have you seen Amber's other blog? It's great. You will love it. Check it out.) He ate a snack (grapes with pretzel sticks poked in them to make "grape hammers") while I washed dishes, swept, and cleaned the kitchen. I call that a win-win situation!

Daisy and Chris prepared for bathtime. I promise Chris has clothes on; he's wearing his swim trunks because he still gets in the tub with Caleb and Daisy for bathtime. A few more months and Daisy will be stable enough that we can trust her in the tub without an adult, but for now, it's safety first! (That, and Chris really enjoys playing in the tub with the kids. But I totally didn't tell you that.)

Patting the girl in the mirror. How is Daisy such a sweet baby? Love her!

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