December 14

I'm feeling much better today. Thankfully, the stomach bug was short-lived and didn't affect Caleb or Daisy. Chris seems to have gotten a milder strain of it, or else he just has a super-manly immune system. It's probably option #2.

Still, when Chris headed out to the new house for a work day today, I opted to keep the kids home. We rested, played, and had a generally good day.

A few weeks ago, Caleb became really good at puzzles. It really happened overnight; one day, he couldn't do a puzzle for anything, and the next he was a pro. He thinks puzzles are a special treat, and gets excited if I suggest that he do one. As he did this animal puzzle, he removed each animal, said its name (he didn't have a name for the ostrich,  though), and placed it in a neat line on the floor. Then he put them all back in their places, making sure to name them again.

And this girl. This girl. I'm just totally in love with her. She had ravioli and some mixed veggies for dinner tonight, and she squealed and kicked her legs with delight the whole time. She's been ravenous lately, nursing for 30-45 minutes at a time, and gobbling up any food I offer her. I gave her rice puffs today, and she seemed to think they were the best thing ever.

While Daisy napped, Caleb and I made these Andes mint cupcakes.

You can tell Caleb helped with the baking by the chocolate on his shoulder and sleeve, and powdered sugar down his chest. I've learned now, though, that his favorite part of baking is not the mixing or dumping or stirring, but the tasting.

He approves of this recipe. He also suggested we bring some to our neighbors. When I told him we were going to make mint cupcakes, he said, "I think Menanie might like some!" So Caleb and Chris brought two cupcakes over to Drew and Melanie after dinner tonight.

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