August 31

Despite today's high of 102 degrees, we had lots of outdoor fun today. It just all happened in the morning!
(There are a lot of photos. Brace yourself.)

First, we went apple picking. 
Knowing it would be hot, we arrived fifteen minutes after the orchard opened for picking, and we were the second customers of the day. When my book club friends surprised us with a book shower for Lily, one of the books we got was The Apple Orchard Riddle, and Caleb and Daisy love it.
Because of the book, Caleb knew exactly how to pick the apples off the trees, and he was eager to do so.

Daisy was also really excited to pick apples!

A perk of being the second customers of the day? We had our own personal worker/attendant. She showed us the best apples, talked to us about the orchard and its pesticide practices, and even snapped this family photo for us.

Daisy was particularly enamored of another employee, though: the worker's 14-year-old son, Luke. Should I be concerned that she has such an affinity for older boys?
(Side note: those are new shoes she's wearing. She calls them her sneakers, and she loves them - mostly because Caleb got a new pair of sneakers a few weeks ago, and now she has some, too.)

Chris helped Daisy. She could have done everything herself, but we wanted to have edible apples and not just bruised, worm-eaten ones. So Chris helped.

Caleb, however, rocked the apple-picking. After we showed him a few good apples, he knew exactly what to look for!

The bags did get pretty heavy pretty quickly, though, even for Superman.

Despite the heat (my car said it was 91 degrees at 9 am), they had a lot of fun.

Then, we moved over to the peach trees. One of the perks of picking now is that it's the very beginning of apple season, and the tail end of peach season. We were able to do both in one visit!

Caleb wasn't really interested in peach picking - he preferred to kick up big clouds of dust in the farm road. Daisy, however, was very interested.

After we finished, we went to a park to play. 
Lily was delighted to be out of the wrap, enjoying the breeze in a shady spot.
Now, before you think we're crazy for taking our kids to the park on such a hot day, let me clarify: 
The park had water. Enough water to justify a change into swimsuits. Caleb and Daisy were so excited to splash and play!

Caleb transformed from Superman into a character of his own creation, called "Waterman". He explained to me that Waterman's special power is "splashing water nicely onto villains."
At least he's doing it nicely.

Normally Daisy is hesitant about water play.
Not today.

Gosh, she's cute.

I was sitting in the shade, nursing Lily, when I looked up and saw this. And then I died from the cuteness, and somehow managed to capture the shot perfectly. I love it!

We ate a picnic lunch in the shade, then headed home for naps. After dinner, we headed back outside for a bit more playtime. 
Superman, and Superman, Jr.
Aren't they cute?

Can you tell that they're flying?
(Can you tell that Chris was the one who taught Caleb to wear socks with inappropriate shoes? Thankfully, I'm breaking Caleb of that habit. Chris is too old to break.)

I love how happy they are together!

I love that our four-year-old loves to be hugged and cuddled and kissed. It makes this mama's heart happy.

While I took all of the pictures above, Daisy was dangling in her baby swing, waiting for another push. This is her saying, "Haaaayyy!"

Her curls kill me! I love, love, LOVE them! It's so funny to think that a year ago - really, even on her second birthday in May - her hair was stick-straight.

Superman. This is a perfect Caleb-face!

And this is his Superman face. 
I think it looks like he smelled something yucky, but he thinks it looks tough.

Daisy watched Caleb ham for the camera,

And then decided to pester her brother a little bit by putting her foot on him.
(Note: she also did this in the car on the way home this morning, but neither one was quite as cheerful then. This morning, the same action caused screaming and crying from both parties. Funny what a good nap will do. Funny also what a stinker my daughter is. I can't wait to get a minivan.)

And Lily and I did our usual - made silly faces and cooed at each other in the shade.

Love her!

1 comment:

  1. I have been trying to hold the comments since I basically say they are so cute every day - but AAH these last few posts! The days activities look so fun! Adorable kids! you guys are best parents :):)
