August 16

Today was a full, full day.

Today has left me feeling so thankful:
thankful that I have a husband who is so engaged in our home life that losing him for a few weeks is a big deal
thankful for generous, supportive, thoughtful friends
thankful for a mom who has given so much of her time to help us, without once calling me a wimp
thankful for a healthy, perfect baby girl

Lily is four weeks old today. We had her checkup with our midwife (our pediatrician gave birth Wednesday, so we won't be seeing her for a while!) and Lily clocked in at 9 lbs, 8.5 oz. She's holding steady in the 75th percentile, which is something I didn't experience with Caleb or Daisy! Lily also passed her hearing screening, after a brief snafu. She had to be tested three times; after the first two "fail"s, my midwife looked into Lily's ears. Apparently they are so hairy inside that the testing probe wasn't working properly! After a bit of tweaking, Lily passed with flying colors.

We returned home and said goodbye to my mom, who has been with us for the past five days. That's right; I'm on my own this weekend. It will be fine, right?

Then some wonderful friends brought dinner over, ate with us, played with the kids, and didn't complain about the disarray of my home, my shrieking baby, or the fact that I was barely holding on by a thread. Then they helped clean up and left me with enough food to last a week. 

I'm pretty lucky.

Further evidence of my luck?
This morning. Daisy wanted to hold her sister, then played "This Little Piggy" with Lily's toes, then fingers. Daisy now refers to Lily as "Sisty". Not sissy, but Sisty. I love it.

And now, to bed. It will be an early morning. 7 days left!

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