August 29

Caleb has just begun to realize that while he's at preschool, Daisy and Lily and I do things. And sometimes those things are fun. And now he wants to stay home from preschool, just in case we do something fun. He went to school this morning, and apparently this idea struck him during naptime, because when he woke he declared that he didn't want to go to preschool  next time.

The "fun" thing we did today?

A visit to Trader Joe's.

To be fair, Daisy did get to push the kid-sized shopping cart, and filled it with all of our groceries, and got stickers from the cashier for being so helpful.

But as I explained to Caleb, he got to play with GLUE! And GLITTER! Nothing nearly that fun ever happens here. But you know how it is, reasoning with a four-year-old. (What? You don't? You're much too smart to try to speak logic to a four-year-old? Clearly I am an amateur.)

It's not that he doesn't like preschool - he does - he's just terrified that fun things are going on here without him. Something tells me that this is a big milestone, right? He's becoming aware of the fact that he has experiences and existence separate from Mommy and Daisy and home. So it's a good thing.

Another good thing?
My baby girl who has been sleeping peacefully for the past hour. Tonight is definitely not a repeat of last night.

And look at how cute she is!
We all went outside after dinner for some playtime and garden-watering. (It's been HOT lately!)
Lily and I hung out and tried (unsuccessfully, for my part) to avoid the mosquitoes.

I couldn't tear myself away from her adorableness!

But then I noticed Daisy attempting to push Caleb on the swing, and I was definitely distracted by that adorableness. (Also, can you tell that Daisy chose her outfit today?)

But then I saw this. She's kind of perfect.

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