August 27

This is becoming a trend:
On book club days, I forget to get out my camera all day, and then end up having to use crummy cell phone pictures for the blog. But at least I have cell phone pictures!

Caleb and I took this one and texted it to Daddy. Caleb was really pleased with it. At the time, I thought it was cute, but looking at it now I realize that I've never seen Caleb smile so big!

While we took the picture above, Daisy was trapped in her crib. She hit Caleb in the face with a book (an accident, I think), and refused to say, "I'm sorry." So I put her in the crib until she was willing to apologize. Apparently we're making the shift to big-girl bed just in time, because this girl was inches from climbing out of her crib.
(She did eventually apologize; it took about ten minutes in the crib for her to cave.)

Then Lily and I escaped to book club. 
Jessica, who hosts book club, has a darling 11-month-old. Stella has just learned to walk,and she was fascinated by Lily. She kept lumbering toward us, in that zombie-like way new walkers have, chanting, "beh-beh-beh-beh." In another context, it would have been terrifying, but with Stella it was darling!

As soon as Jessica attempted to hold Lily, though, Stella changed her tune. Apparently babies are only interesting if they belong to someone else. I hear you, sister!

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