August 30

Things are always better when Daddy is home.
Lily woke up from a nap right before Chris got home from work today, so she was all smiles and giggles for Daddy Reading Time before dinner.

Daisy's big bed is now the go-to family reading spot. It's pretty wonderful! Now, to get her to actually sleep in it... 
To be fair, we haven't actually tried to get her to sleep in it. Maybe it's one of those things that I'm building up in my mind, fearing it will be a big deal, but she'll really accept it readily? Or maybe not. But in the meantime, the bed is in her room and we talk a lot about how, when she's ready, she will sleep in the big girl bed and the crib will go to Lily's room and Lily will sleep there. I suppose it's expecting too much to hope that Daisy will actually say one day that she's ready - we probably need to just do it. But right now, we're all sleeping at night, and that's too precious to mess up.

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