August 9

So, I pretty much failed at picture-taking today. 
But it's not entirely my fault!

We started the day with a visit to Caleb's new preschool. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was my first outing with all three kids, by myself! Caleb starts school next week, so today was Open House - a chance to see the classroom, meet some classmates, get acclimated... all the fun stuff.
Caleb had a blast, and Daisy totally wants to go to preschool now. In fact, as we got in the car to head home, Caleb called from the back seat, "Preschool is way funner than home!"
He's absolutely right, and I am so thrilled that he's excited about going to school.

So that took up our whole morning, and I didn't take any pictures. On our way home from that, I discovered that my shiny new phone (you know, the one I got two days ago?) didn't work. Specifically, if I went to make or receive a phone call, I could only hear the person on the other end of the line if I turned on the speakerphone. Otherwise, it just didn't work. Strange right? 
Apparently it's a known flaw of my phone. 
So during naptime, I took some darling photos of my sweetly sleeping Lily on said new phone, then made some calls to see about getting the issue resolved. When all three children woke up from their naps at the same time (3 hours. Boo-yah.), I loaded them into the car and we hit Best Buy, Lowe's, and Target.

That's right. My first shopping trip with the kiddos - by myself - involved not one, but three stores. I am Super Mom. It would have been four stores, but the phone people at Best Buy couldn't help me (long story. You don't want to hear it.), so we didn't have time for store #4.

After dinner, I took Lily and went to a different Best Buy to resolve my phone problem while Chris played with the big kids and put them to bed. The Best Buy people gave me the new phone I needed, but their data-transfer machine was down, so they couldn't transfer all the information from Phone #1 to Phone #2. Which meant that I lost those pictures of sweetly sleeping Lily. Man.

And then Lily and I went to Kohl's. That's right. Five stores in one day. We rock.

But the only photo I have to show for it is this:
New phone = I have entered the world of selfies. Be prepared, Internets. There may be a lot more of these.
But what you really need to notice is sweet Lily, snuggled up in the Moby-type wrap my friend Jessica lent us. Shopping with a three-week-old (Happy three-week birthday, Lily!) is a piece of cake with one of these.

(Did I mention that neither Lowe's nor Target had the double kid-carts when we visited? The kids and I rocked our shopping excursion with the children on foot. Why? Because Lily was wrapped up on my chest and I had both hands free. Moby Wrap for the win!)

I promise to do better about taking pictures tomorrow.

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