August 10

Ah, Saturday.
In my world, Saturdays are like little vacations. I love them.

And today will be my last vacation for a while, so I savored it. (Can one savor each moment while being productive? I vote yes, because that's what we did today.) I let Chris do as much with the kids as possible, because I know he is going to miss them like crazy while he's gone, and they will miss him.
So he made breakfast with the older two.
We all went grocery shopping as a family.
He made lunch for the big kids.
He played with them before dinner, while I nursed the hungry, hungry, HUNGRY!!! baby Lily.

Sweet, right?
He's a great Daddy, which is what makes his upcoming trip so scary for me. He may be gone all day, but when he's home, he is HOME. I honestly don't know how to parent without him, but with God's grace I'm sure I'll figure it out. Hopefully the kids won't suffer too much along the way.

At bathtime tonight, we tried adding Lily to the bathtub mix.
It wasn't a perfect solution; Lily's not quite ready to be in the big tub yet. But boy did Caleb and Daisy love sharing the tub with their baby sister!

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