August 6

Day 2 of Operation: Three Children went really well. 
Of course, I got to leave for part of it. But still.

This is what our family looks like when Lily is awake:

It's a good thing that Lily is usually only awake for no more than twenty minutes at a time - I don't think I could stand all of the excitement!

(Side note: because Daisy is so all up in Lily's business affectionate with Lily, I found myself telling her several times this morning, "Give her some space! Give Lily some space!" And then Caleb and Daisy both wanted to snuggle Lily at the same time and Daisy scolded Caleb with a scowl, "Give her some space! Lily need some space!" Meanwhile, she was smooshed right up next to her sister...)

I got Caleb and Daisy down for naps, and my mom came over to sit with them while Lily and I went to visit our midwife for our two-week checkups. Miss Lily tipped the scales at nearly 9 pounds - 8 pounds, 15 ounces to be precise! After Daisy's slow weight gain (She was even slow to gain very early on; at her two-week checkup she was an ounce shy of re-gaining her birth weight, and the pediatrician immediately insisted that I supplement with formula, instead of offering breastfeeding support. Needless to say, we dumped that doctor!), I have a bit of a complex about Lily's weight. But happily, I've been able to suppress my obsession. I'm trusting that Lily will be a healthy and happy girl!

Also, she's clearly a prodigy. Yes, this is a somewhat-creepy sleep smile, but my mom insists that Lily smiled at her twice today and even laughed once. Two and a half weeks is a bit early for a real smile, but Mom is adamant that Lily looked her in the eye, chuckled, and smiled at her.

Who am I to question the woman who birthed me?

Sweet girl. Don't mind the peeling skin, please. 
(Amber, I finally found a patch of good light in my house! It only occurs in the afternoon, though, and I might have to move a couch to use it effectively...)

Don't be fooled. She looks peaceful here, but she was pretty high-maintenance tonight. Does that mean she'll make up for it by sleeping really well tonight? It works that way with babies, right? Maybe not. But at least she's cute!

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