August 18

Today was a mostly-good day.
Lily nursed right as the kids were getting up around 6, then went back to sleep until I woke her at 8:15 to get ready for church. While she was sleeping, the kids breakfasted on some delicious gluten-free muffins that Grandmother brought over, and I was able to sit, drink some coffee, and read the newspaper. How about that? Plus, we saw a mama deer and her fawn in our backyard, munching on some grass that was nowhere near my vegetable garden. Then we headed off to church and almost got there on time.

That part was great.

The not-so-great part was Daisy's nap, which involved her talking to herself for the first hour, finally falling asleep, then waking up hysterical 45 minute later, refusing to be calm unless I held her, a very-frustrated Mommy, and a girl who finally fell asleep and slept until 5:00. That part was strange and aggravating.

But then Lily and I napped, and when Caleb got up, Lily stayed asleep, allowing us some special Mommy-Caleb time. That part was good.

Dinner was easy, and when I took the kids out to run some laps, the neighbors from up the street and the neighbors from down the street all came over to play and chat. That part was great.

Then Grace and Sally came over to help with bedtime. That part was fantastic.

Now everyone's asleep, the house is almost clean, and I may actually get a great night's sleep! Hooray!

Oh, but you want a picture, not a recap of our day, right? All I have is this:

This outfit is special because I remember the first time Daisy wore it, too. Funny enough, I scrolled through the blog to find the picture of Daisy wearing it, and I first put it on her the day before her one-month birthday. And guess who will be one month old tomorrow? Miss Lily!

Daisy in the same outfit, same age. She was 8 pounds, 11 ounces here, and Lily is probably approaching 9 pounds, 11 ounces. Funny, huh? Daisy was much more of a smiler than Lily is, but we'll work on that.
If you're bored, you should check out some of the posts from when Daisy was this age. It's funny to be reminded how different she and Lily are!

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