August 5

Today was Chris' first official day back at work. We have just under a week until he heads off to Wisconsin for two weeks, leaving me alone with three children. I can totally do this, right?

Actually, our first day went remarkably well. Daisy was down for her nap before noon, Caleb just after, and Lily right after that, leaving me time to shower (! I know! Amazing!) and still take a two-hour nap. Plus, a friend from my MOPS group brought dinner tonight, so I didn't even have to cook. Really, I'm not sure how things could have been better.

Oh, wait. I could have taken some decent pictures. 

Well, we'll work on that. Instead, I give you this one, poorly exposed picture.
It was a cute moment, even if the picture isn't so cute.

Before Lily was born, I worried about how Daisy would handle things. She can be a bit... *ahem*... unpredictable, so I was afraid that she might not react well to the baby.

Do you know what happens every time I leave Lily unattended for a moment or two? I inevitably return to the room to find Daisy snuggled up next to her, kissing her, stroking her hair, singing her a little song, or reading her a book. My expectation is always that my children will love each other and get along, but I was not prepared for this level of affection from Daisy. It's pretty special.

Today, I left the room to take care of Daisy's poopy diaper (that's right - she's not wearing pants). When I returned 30 seconds later, I found that Daisy had chosen a book off her shelf and was "reading" it to her sister.


Let's hope it lasts!

1 comment:

  1. yes I hope it lasts! What sweet, sweet children that are just the cutest!!
