September 1

Even though it's now September, it was stiflingly hot today. Luckily, we spent all morning at church, then Costco. Then we went home and took naps. While we slept, it stormed a little bit. Hooray for storms!

Daisy and Lily were still napping when I decided to do the grocery shopping, so - miracle of miracles! - I got to do the shopping alone. As in, all by myself. As in, no baby strapped to my chest. For an hour and a half, I was child-free! It was a miraculous feeling, and even better was that when I returned home, Lily was still asleep. (Because there's nothing worse than coming home to a screaming baby who can only be consoled by Mommy.)

After dinner, we all played outside. Lily and I retreated back in pretty quickly once the mosquitoes found us, but we still enjoyed some porch swing time before that happened.
Aren't they cute?
He tried to give her a bottle today.
It didn't work.

Daisy wouldn't take bottles, either. I really want to get this one to take them - it would provide so much freedom for me!

Daisy ate some of her dinner, including the beef, which she usually hates. Her reward was a popsicle. Little did she know that it was a smoothie popsicle, full of vegetables and healthy fats and all kinds of nutrients. Mwah hah haaaa!

Love that girl. As I type this, I can hear her on the baby monitor, singing instead of sleeping. She's singing, "Peeeeeanut, peanut butter... and jelly!" over and over, and I love it.

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