September 3

Aside from some crummy naps, today was beautiful. 
We had an easy, peaceful morning, largely because I went on a baking spree yesterday afternoon, so the kids had some grain-free chocolate zucchini muffins and cranberry applesauce waiting for them for breakfast. Things were so smooth and the weather so lovely that we decided to walk Caleb to preschool instead of driving. Caleb and Daisy rode in the BOB, and I wore Lily in my wrap. It's exactly a mile and a half from our house to school, and we made it in 33 minutes, including a stop at the high school track to watch the marching band practice.

After we dropped Caleb off (a boy at school had a backpack that looked like a giant turtle shell, and now he wants one, too), I put Lily in the BOB for the walk home. Remarkably, she was awake, quiet, and content the whole way home. Way to go, Lily!
(Daisy did not want her picture taken. And yes, it was cool enough this morning to justify Daisy's pants and cardigan, but Lily didn't feel too cool in her short sleeves.)

After naps, we headed out to play on the front porch. While I was gathering all of the necessary items to keep Lily comfortable on the porch, Caleb and Daisy made a discovery: 
Specifically, they found two deceased cicadas. I brought out their magnifying glasses, and the kids were happy little scientists.

Moments like this make me feel like I'm doing an OK job as a mom.

See Lily there in the background? She was just hanging out.

Caleb's find. I asked him to describe everything he noticed about it, and he was pretty thorough.

Then we compared the two. They were remarkably similar, but one "has a mouth" and the other doesn't.
Meaning, one had a gaping hole in its face. Caleb used that hole to skewer the cicada with a stick. Then he asked me, "If I plant the cicada in the ground and give it water, will it bloom?"

At first, I tried to explain to him that a cicada was a bug and not a plant.
Then I realized I was getting nowhere, so I found his watering can and filled it up for him. 
See the cicada on a stick, in the center of the foreground?


Lily just watched. I think she was amused.

Daisy was definitely amused. And amusing.

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