September 6

Lily is seven weeks old today!
I weighed her on our bathroom scale, and she clocked in at 10 pounds, 13 ounces. She definitely has more rolls on her than I remember Caleb or Daisy having.

Speaking of rolls, I'm getting serious about losing mine. So today I gritted my teeth and did it: put the maternity clothes away and got out my regular clothes. Sure, only 10% of my wardrobe fits right  now, but it's better than wearing maternity clothes at this point. Plus, it will give me incentive to lose the baby weight!

While I pulled, sorted, organized, culled, and sifted through my clothes, Lily slept peacefully in her co-sleeper and Caleb and Daisy played happily together in the other room.

See? Sweet, sleeping baby.
(Daisy picked out the outfit today, including the socks.)

Lily was pretty sleepy today, which apparently was too good to be true, because I've now been working at getting her to sleep for two hours. Even worse is that I'm without help tonight; Chris and Caleb are with a friend and his son at the Cardinals game.

Chris texted me this picture:
Caleb did the exact same thing at his last Cards game, exactly two months ago: he was so afraid that there would be a home run, and thus, fireworks, that he plugged his ears the whole time.
That boy is strange.

And here are the boys with Fredbird. I'm not really sure why Caleb is dangling there, limply, but I'm sure there's some reason...

But I suppose I should make a renewed effort to get Lily to sleep. When I started this post, I thought I finally had her down, but now she's squawking again. I think I'll just take a deep breath and remind myself that this stage may seem interminable, but it's really very short-lived. I will get through it, and soon she will be a toddler.

The days are long, but the years are short, right?

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