September 13

Despite the fact that it was Friday the 13th, it was a good day for us.

I decided late last night that the kids needed to learn a Bible memory verse, so I found one online that had coloring sheets to go with it. 
"Rejoice in the LORD always; again I will say, rejoice! - Philippians 4:4

So this morning, they colored their coloring sheets and we talked about the verse while I baked those chocolate zucchini muffins - again.
Caleb was really engaged.
Daisy, only moderately so.
Lily didn't sleep very late this morning, so she snoozed in her swing while we worked.

Later, I switched Lily to her rocker and she was very engaged in her toys.

Can you see how happy she is about the kitty?

And she's seriously focused on that dog. It may have been playing music, thanks to her big brother. It's hard to believe Lily is 8 weeks old today!

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