September 20

It was a rainy, gloomy, stay-at-home kind of day. After seeing our neighbor's house all decked out for fall, Caleb decided we should decorate ours. Today, that was his mission. 
So we strung leaf garlands - red leaves for him, yellow for Daisy, and got out some faux pumpkins. Caleb was happy with our work, but I know he'd love more pumpkins and gourds and leaves. He keeps asking for a real pumpkin, but I'm insisting that we wait until October for that.

Daisy spent the day  back on the potty train.
She rocked it! She was in undies all day, from 8 am on, with only a diaper during naptime. I didn't tell her to use the potty once, but she stayed dry all day and used her potty all by herself three different times. I never would have expected it, but this girl is ready! When I thought about potty training her, I was concerned about what we'd use as a reward. With Caleb, we rewarded him with mini-marshmallows. Now, I want to stay away from using food as a reward. Luckily, Daisy doesn't really require rewards; she's just excited to be doing it! But we did stumble across a good incentive for her: what she calls "The Royals Song". Daisy loves it, and so when she sits on the potty or when she's made potty, we play it for her.

Today was Friday Pizza Night. Caleb and Daisy (and Chris!) seriously look forward to this all week. I love it!

Chris got home early, and was able to play with the kids before dinner.
Lily was actually interested in playing with him, which is rare and special. (And good, because he's all she's got tomorrow when I work the ACT! Hope she survives without me for 7 hours!)

Doesn't Lily look like a big girl here?

Can you see Daisy's Minnie Mouse undies sticking out? I'm so proud of her! (Though we haven't even attempted to tackle #2 yet, so we'll see how that goes.)

Someone passed this skeleton shirt on to us at MOPS yesterday, and Daisy loves it. The bones glow in the dark!

It's funny how much longer her shorts are now that there isn't a big cloth diaper bottom filling them out!

Handsome boy. He was a handful today.

Sweet girl snuggling Daddy.

Her neck is getting really strong! It's a relief, because I've been feeling like a bad mommy for not doing tummy time with her. But she's doing great without it!

After dinner, we baked another batch of grain-free chocolate zucchini muffins for breakfast in the morning. Caleb "helped", and I let him lick the spatula. I love how he accidentally ended up with a chocolate nose and goatee!

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