September 23

Today was a present-filled day all around. 

First, we got out a present for Caleb. My grandparents are in the process of selling their home of forty years and moving into a condo, so they are downsizing. My grandpa owned a Phillips 66 station for many years, then began renting U-Haul trucks as well, and as a bit of nostalgia began collecting model Phillips 66 and U-Haul trucks. I asked for Grandpa to choose a truck for each of the kids.

Instead, Grandpa chose a truck for Caleb, and Grandma chose some porcelain dolls for Daisy and Lily, which was great! Caleb has been itching to check out his truck (which is also a bank!), so we did that today.
He loved it!

Apparently I got the "be careful, this is special" message across, because I later found Caleb playing with the truck and his Lightning McQueen car. Caleb was narrating a conversation between the two, and Lightning said, "Hey, can you do this?" and then did a trick.
The truck responded, "Oh, no. I'm delicate. I can't do that. I have to be careful."

Then after naps, the UPS man showed up.

He came bearing gifts for Caleb and Daisy from GREAT Aunt Maggie. Lily was sleeping, so we opened the box right away, and found costumes. Not just any costumes, but a darling Wonder Woman costume (size 2-4T), a light saber, and an awesome Batman costume (size 4-6).

There was no question in my mind which costume was for whom. The children, however, were not so clear. Caleb saw that Wonder Woman Costume and his whole face lit up. I guess I didn't mention on the blog that the other day, coming home from school, Caleb thoughtfully commented from the back seat, "I think I will be Wonder Woman for Halloween."
Picturing Wonder Woman's typical outfit (strapless bustier, no pants, tall boots), I replied, "But Wonder Woman is a girl, and you're a boy!"
And then he started crying: "I don't like Halloween anymore. I don't like any super heroes. When Halloween comes, I want to stay home and watch a movie!"
He was devastated. 
We tried to talk about other costume ideas, but Caleb just couldn't get over the fact that he couldn't be Wonder Woman for Halloween, despite the fact that I never explicitly said that.

And then a Wonder Woman costume showed up at our front door. It was destiny.
It just barely fit.
It's definitely much too short.
He didn't care at all.

One would think that Daisy would have been disappointed to see her brother snatch that sparkly costume away from her, but she just rolled with it. She was happy to wear the awesome Batman costume, despite the fact that it was much too big.

While the children played in their costumes, I made dinner with Lily in the Ergo. This was my view: 
She's technically still too small for the Ergo, but that hasn't been stopping us. She looks pretty comfy to me, and always falls right asleep when I put her in it.

After dinner, Chris took the kids outside to play so that I could get a much-needed break. 
Such a big girl!
This may be TMI, but she pooped in the potty for the first time today! In fact, she did it twice. Now it's just diapers at bedtime and naptime. Yay, Daisy!

Wonder Woman with a light saber.
Seriously, this boy couldn't be any happier. (Not sure if you can tell, but he's wearing a pair of royal blue undies that, paired with his rain boots, he has long called his "Wonder Woman outfit".

Lily was happy to stare at the trees overhead while the kids played.

And maybe she stared at her Daddy, too.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I just showed this post to a coworker and we are laughing so hard! I just love Caleb's personality! Yay he gets to be wonder woman! I've seen a boy dressed as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz and he had a wig with long pigtails ahhaha.
    So cute! Also hilarious, his truck saying he has to be careful. ahhaha too funny!
