September 27

Have I mentioned that I have the kids working on memorizing Scripture? We're on our second Bible verse so far, and it's going really well. Caleb and Daisy can both recite the verses we've worked on, and even explain what they mean. So far, I've chosen verses that I think are pertinent to my little ones and that have coloring sheets to go with them. Priorities, people.

Our verse this week:
It has a coloring sheet with Halloween-y stuff, which the kids are into right now. But more importantly, Daisy has become more fearful lately, and Caleb... well, Caleb has always been fearful. So when Daisy is afraid of the blinking red light on the smoke detector in her room during  nap time (true story), I remind her of our memory verse. She tells that red light, "NO, SIR. Do not be afraid, for I am with you!" and then goes back to sleep. Really. Scripture is powerful stuff!

We went grocery shopping this morning, and came home right before lunch. (Tangent: I opened the car door to get Lily out and found her staring happily at her feet. I feel like it's a bit early for her to have discovered them, but it's super cute and she really, really likes them. Funny!) I handed Daisy a bowl of plantain chips and turned around to make the rest of her lunch. When I looked back, I saw this: 
Girl knew she was being funny.

Today is Friday, which means (gluten free) Pizza Night! I'm currently reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. If you care about food, I highly recommend. Her family has pizza night every Friday, too, and she wrote about the beauty of children in the kitchen and each person decorating their own portion of the pizza. That got me thinking... Caleb and Daisy are perfectly capable of decorating their pizza! 
So I set out an amount of toppings I was comfortable with and let them go to town. They had so much fun, and I totally didn't care how it turned out because I wasn't eating the pizza!
(They got new tattoos today. Fun, huh? Each child found a freckle on his/her arm and asked that the butterfly be placed over the freckle.)

Ta da! Their finished product. They were quite proud.

Caleb quite appropriately named it "The Cheese Mountain" and went outside to find Daddy just to show off his handiwork. It was really cute.

When they weren't looking, I evenly distributed the cheese because this mama knows her children certainly won't be willing to eat cheese-less pizza.

After dinner, we had a massive clean-up effort, and then baths. Lily got her bath first, and I put her on Daisy's changing table to get jammy-ified.

She's really interested in Daisy's birds. She'll happily watch them for at least 15 minutes, which is really sweet.

Happy girl!
Does it look to you like she's getting her new hair in without ever having lost the old stuff? Interesting...

She's been sleeping well for me in the afternoons the past few days, but nighttime has been really, really rough. Girl will scream for an hour straight, and Chris and I just can't figure out how to make her happy. It seems that she's only happy when she's held just so. Otherwise, woe be upon you. Poor baby.
Poor Mommy and Daddy.
But it's just a season...

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