September 10

As I type this, Daisy is quietly sleeping in her big girl bed. It's been an hour and fifteen minutes, which is an hour longer than I expected it to last, so I'm already calling it a success. At bedtime tonight I was able to sneak away from Lily long enough to snuggle Daisy for a bit. Just like we always do, we talked about her day, prayed for Ryan (and his new shoes, and his backpack), and sang two songs. Just as I was about to put her in her crib, she whispered, "I want you snuggle me in my big girl bed." Since we were already sitting on her big girl bed, I figured she meant that she wanted to sleep there. So I laid her down, grabbed her lovey, covered her with a blanket, and snuggled for a moment. Then I left.

I'm pretty pleased! Hopefully it's a continuing trend, and we don't have to go back and forth between crib and bed, over and over. But I'm nowhere near ready to put Lily in her own room, so we really don't need that crib for a while. Plus, Lily's room isn't yet ready to receive a crib; I need to choose a new paint color, paint walls and baseboards, and deep-clean the hardwood floor before I move the crib in. Even though it already has furniture in it, moving the crib in feels much more serious.

Maybe Daisy is sleeping so well in her big girl bed because we had such a busy day today. We dropped Caleb off at school and headed straight to a MOPS playdate at the apple orchard. It was the same place we visited as a family a few weeks ago, so Daisy was happy to return. Once again, it was HOT out: already in the 90s at the time of our playdate!

See? Too hot to really enjoy the kid-sized ride-on tractors. Though she did enjoy the real tractor ride, and was a pro at picking apples. Lily, meanwhile, was a sweaty little bug in her wrap. She was a trooper, except when she decided that she was hungry and needed to nurse *while we were riding on the tractor*.

Just when I thought I had nursed my children everywhere, I end up nursing one on a tractor ride. I hate being the one to say it, but I totally will: I rock at breastfeeding.

After the playdate, we had a quick Hobby Lobby date with my mom, then raced back to pick Caleb up at preschool. By the time we got home, we were all hungry, sweaty, and exhausted. But there was one major problem: I normally go grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday, but our weekend was so busy that I wasn't able to go. And then we were busy all day yesterday, and all morning today, so... There was nothing to feed the children.

No problem. I'll just give them chocolate muffins for lunch.
More specifically, I gave them these grain-free, honey-sweetened, chocolate zucchini muffins. They taste more like cupcakes than muffins, but I'm okay with every ingredient in them, so they're a win all around.

Daisy loves them.
(Yep. That's a chocolate muffin beard.)

She didn't want her picture taken, but she was really only halfway opposed to having her picture taken, so this was our compromise. What a mess!

A significantly-less-messy Caleb. He had three muffins for lunch. 
Some days are just three-muffins-for-lunch kind of days.

Look at that. Lily is totally judging me for giving the kids dessert-y muffins for lunch.
Be quiet, kid. Some day you'll get to eat muffins for lunch, too.
If I'm even willing to make muffins by that point. We'll see.

(And now we're at an hour, forty minutes in the big girl bed! She just made a little noise, then went back to sleep. Wonder if she'll last all night??)

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