September 22

We accomplished a lot on this first day of fall! It was our first time playing with the babies in the church nursery since Lily was born, so we had to have all three kids dressed and in the car by 8:15. Of course, today was the first day ever that they slept in; Caleb woke up at 6:55, and Daisy woke up not long after, so things were that much harder. But we made it out of the house and got to church on time, and Lily loved her time in the nursery!

Hi sweet girl! Lily loved looking and batting at the toys hanging over her, and actually caught one! What a big girl. Maybe in a month or so we'll start leaving her in the nursery, but for now she stays with us during church.

Then we headed home and did lunch and naps. While all three kids napped (!), Chris went shopping, I painted the baseboards in what will be Lily's room, and I went grocery shopping. I also found a dining room table and chairs on Craigslist, and emailed the seller.

Then Chris played with the kids while I made dinner. At one point, I looked out the window and saw this:
My big girl, who now sleeps in her big girl bed (I moved the crib out on Friday!), wears big girl underwear (half of the time), and swings on the big girl swing. 
She chose this swing and told Chris that she needed the big girl swing, because she was a big girl, not a baby. It's so funny - the switch in her mind between "I'm a baby" and "I'm a big girl" was so stark. We didn't ease into any of this - we just dove when she was ready.

And it's a good thing she was ready, because this girl is ready to be the star of our baby show. What a sweet girl she is! We're in the process of painting her bedroom, hanging curtains, and making it a hospitable place for her to sleep (for naps, at least). 

Lily wore these cute giraffe jammies when we went to visit that Craigslist seller, while Daisy wore her big girl undies. The jammies, undies, and Craigslist seller all worked out well, and we returned home with a sleepy baby, a dry big girl, and a plan to have a dining room table and chairs delivered to our house on Wednesday. The furniture is going to need a lot of work, but I have plenty of time for a big project
... right?

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