September 16

Seriously, this baby is ridiculous.
I mean, I love her and all, but I've been trying to get her to sleep since 6:00. It's 9:30 now.
She was almost there, and then she puked all over me. We both needed a bath. Baths and cleanup took another half an hour, then I had to nurse her (again) to fill her tummy (again). But she was so tired that she fell asleep after five minutes. And then she woke up 30 minutes later. Nursed. Fell asleep. Woke up 15 minutes later. Chris went into her. Screamed for 20 minutes. Then I went into her. Nursed. Fell asleep. 5 minutes later, she's screaming again. 
Pure ridiculousness. 
Thank God this season is short-lived.

This morning, the kids and I went to Target again. They were such good shoppers that we went to a park for a little bit as a reward. But Caleb really wanted to go for a walk. I told him that we could go for a walk after naps.

When he woke up from his nap this afternoon, the first thing he said was, "I'm ready for my walk!"
Sadly, the other two were still sleeping, so we had to wait. When it was finally time for his walk, the boy was so happy, he could hardly contain himself.

This was how we did the first block and a half.
Then Caleb tripped and fell, cried like a baby, and rode the next mile or so in the footwell.
(That's right; this mama was pushing 70 pounds of children, plus the stroller. I win.)
When we turned around just shy of 1.5 miles, I put Lily in the Ergo and Caleb got to ride in his seat. I love that Lily is big enough for the Ergo now!

Caleb insisted that he could push the stroller, that he was strong enough!
I let him "help", and that was good enough for him.

On our way home, he picked some stems of grass that had buds at the top. He asked if they were flowers, and, at a loss, I told him that they were wheat. He asked if we dug a hole and put them in it and watered them and covered them with dirt, would they grow into bread? Or "unhealthy cookies"? 
Of course I told him yes.

So when we got home, he immediately wanted to plant his "wheat". 
I love both of these boys.

Now to take care of that squawking girl.
Babies are a blessing. Babies are a blessing. Babies are a blessing.
I am blessed. Even with a screaming child.

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