September 26

Okay, I'm calling it.
Aside from naps and nighttime, Daisy is potty trained. And she's almost there on the naps. Hooray!

We had a MOPS playdate today while Caleb was in school, but I didn't feel like bringing my big camera to take pictures of all of the cuteness. Then we picked Caleb up, came home, ate lunch, and napped. All three kids napped for three hours straight, which was beautiful. And Daisy has figured out that she can just get out of bed and come find me when she wakes up from her nap, so that's great, too.

Caleb woke up about thirty minutes before Daisy, while I was prepping things for dinner tonight. I had a last-minute change of plans for dinner, and realized I was a little bit short on butter. (A travesty, I know!) BUT, I had some heavy cream. So while the girls slept, Caleb and I decided to try making butter for the first time.

Normally he hates all loud noises, but butter-making is surprisingly quiet. Plus, he was really excited about it.

The finished product!
Can you tell by the smear on his face that he's been sampling the goods?

What fun! I call butter making a success. Although I feel bad for all the people who had to do it by hand before the advent of electricity/food processors!

Lily slept from 1:30 to 5, without interruption, which was beautiful for me. What wasn't  beautiful was that she woke up hungry right as I was in the middle of making dinner. The only picture I got of her today was this cell phone shot of her in her car seat on our way home from Costco: 
Little girl, BIG seat. The no-pumpkin-seat thing is working out pretty well for us; so far the only drawback is that sometimes I need to be able to set her down while we're out, and without a pumpkin seat that's not an option. Think, trying on clothes at the store. Not gonna happen. But other than that, it's been great.

And now she's been crying for about an hour straight. Night time has been pretty rocky for her lately! Poor baby! I wish we could figure out how to help her...

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