September 12

Today was a school day for Caleb, and somehow none of us were in a very good mood. Caleb refused to take his fishy oil for the third (or fourth?) day in a row, he threw his cup in frustration, and I was just annoyed. Lily napped miserably all day, and I ate all kinds of junk simply because I was feeling annoyed.

I hate days like this.

This baby sure is cute, and she's getting chubbier by the day.
(Are you wondering about the bassinet? I signed up with a market research company, and agreed to be part of a study where they give me a baby product to keep - all I have to do is write an unbiased review online. Sweet, huh? Too bad I have no need for a bassinet. I'll be selling it on Craigslist soon!)

And Daisy sure loves her sister.

We all love this girl.

The bassinet plays music, including a chime version of "Hush Little Baby". Here, Daisy is singing her own version of "Hush Little Baby", in which Daisy does all of the buying. It was pretty cute, and Lily was very interested.

No big girl bed for Daisy tonight - she wanted her crib. But she did spend all afternoon in big-girl panties, which was a big deal. However, she refused to use the potty and ended up having an accident right before bedtime. Oh, well. It's a step in the right direction!

(Somehow I missed these photos in my initial post.)
Daisy, rocking those Elmo undies.

Caleb, busily shoveling acorns for me.

At one point, he chastised me for "just sitting there" while he was working. Funny boy.

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