September 21

Today was the day: I worked the ACT, and had to leave Lily in Daddy's capable hands for 7 hours. Chris and I were both pretty nervous, since she hadn't yet successfully taken a bottle. However, thanks to the experience of already having two children, we knew that she would be just fine, even if she chose not to eat all 7 hours. But still, we were anxious that caring for a fussy, hungry baby in addition to a potty training 2-year-old and a 4-year-old would be a bit much for Chris, so we recruited my mom's help for lunch/nap time.

I came home from the ACT at 1:20 this afternoon to find this:
A content baby, sleeping happily on Grandma's shoulder.

Lily still didn't take a bottle. Thanks to my sister Emily's clever suggestion to use a medicine syringe, Chris got maybe 2 ounces of milk in Lily over the course of the morning, so she was generally pretty happy. It went much better than we had feared it would go!

After naps, we headed over to the park where we were married for a photo shoot with my sisters and all of the cousins. We arrived early, so that we could have a family picnic first. 
It was a simple - but tasty - spread. We even ended up having some entertainment; the gazebo hosted not one, but two weddings while we were there. If that wasn't enough, it was also the homecoming dance for several local schools, so the area was swarming with teenagers and their overzealous parents, taking pictures out the wazoo. Once we waded through the crowds, though, we were able to find a quiet, empty, shaded spot for our picnic

Daisy liked seeing all of the girls in fancy dresses!

Lily was just happy to be outside, rolling around on the blanket.

After dinner, we fed the fish.

Don't worry - no one was at risk of falling in!

See the bride and groom in the background? They were the 7:00 wedding.

Another entertaining part of the evening was when I sat down on a bench to nurse Lily. I try to nurse discreetly, without using a nursing cover, so I often experience people who see me from afar and think it's cute that I'm holding a baby, then realize when they get closer that I'm nursing. I can only assume that's what happened when a pushy mom made her daughter and date come share the bench I was sitting on and pose for pictures. I don't know if she thought I'd move, or if she didn't mind having a breastfeeding mom in her daughter's pictures, but Chris noticed that the teenaged boy was very uncomfortable. Poor kid!

And then Emily and her boys and Jenny arrived and we took a gajillion pictures. But those are for my mom's birthday, so I won't share them tonight.

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