October 13

Today started out gray and gloomy, but that didn't deter us from the adventure we had planned: a visit to the pumpkin farm with Amber and her three kiddos. We ended up going back to the same place we went apple-picking in September; now the apples are gone, and the pumpkins are ready to be picked. What could have been a dismal trip (due to muddy fields and a large preschool class that also happened to be visiting the tiny farm) turned out to be lots of fun.

Before we got down to the business of pumpkin-picking, we played in the farm's haybale/castle playground area for a while. (I use the term "we" generously; I really mean "Amber's kids". My child was content just to watch the other kids play and climb up and down the stairs. He's such a cautious little boy, despite my best efforts to encourage him to try new things.) Then, the friendly farmer loaded us up on his wagon and took us out to the not-so-muddy-after-all fields.
Despite the distressed look on his face, Caleb was pleased with his pumpkin. I think he looks upset because it was so heavy.

Yep. There he is, working reeeaaaaally hard to lift it.

Meanwhile, Amber's little man Michael lifted a similar pumpkin with ease. Don't let his size and strength fool you - the child is nine months younger than Caleb. But unlike Caleb, Michael is a budding athlete and adventurer. It's pretty funny to see the differences between the two boys!

Our kids with their carefully selected pumpkins, loaded back up on the wagon and ready to go.

In our high school and college years, Amber and I had many exciting (and sometimes crazy) adventures. Back then, I never once thought that one day we would have children, and that those children would play together. It's fun to see where the years have taken us, and what blessings God has given us.

Catherine, Amber's oldest. Between the curls and the dimples, she's a heart-melter.

I love Michael's face in this one!

There - finally, a picture of Caleb looking happy about his pumpkin!
(The kind old farmer was sweet enough to cut an extra-long stem for us, then use his bare hands to smooth all of  the prickly burrs off the stem.)

Mary, Amber's middle child. She was having hair issues in this picture, but that didn't stop her from flashing me a winning smile. What a sweetie!

My Brown Bear, eating an apple that Amber gave him.

I know you're thinking, "What about Daisy? Where was she?"

The poor girl is still struggling through her cold, so she spent the whole morning wrapped up against my chest. She was pretty content, and slept a good chunk of the time, despite the cold and wind.

 On the drive home, Caleb fell fast asleep. He spilled his water cup all over his jeans, but he didn't even notice. He stayed asleep as I carried him up to his room, removed his pants, and tucked him (in just a diaper and shirt) into his bed.

Then my darling Daisy was wide awake, and we had some fun together while Caleb slept.

Happy girl! She loves that crinkly fabric book, and her lovey from Auntie Grace.

The pacifier is also a new obsession for her. It only took five months. In this photo, she's on her back, almost rolling over to reach the paci.

She's now at the tongue-sticking-out phase, where she sticks her tongue out whenever she's happy. It's pretty sweet; it's especially sweet when I think that if I hadn't switched doctors, she wouldn't be able to stick her tongue out at all. (Remember, she was tongue-tied? But the new doctor caught it and fixed it?)

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