October 25

I know I complained yesterday, (and my quads still hurt, by the way) but I think I need to complain a little bit more. Will you indulge me?

Today I have been:
tugged at
pulled on
kicked in my sore quads by little baby feet
kicked in my sore quads by big shoe-wearing feet
hit (hard) in the cheekbone with a baseball
screamed at
and slobbered on

I love my children, and I love being a mommy, and I am so thankful that I get to be a professional, full-time mommy. But friends? This is rough. I know it will pass, and I know that today is just rough day in a field of beautiful days, but in this moment, I am totally spent. (Do I see all of you moms out there in cyber-space nodding? Have you been here, too? Did you survive? Does that mean I'll survive, too?)

How about some crummy pictures?

After tantrum #1.

I asked Caleb what he wanted for breakfast. He replied, "toast with jelly". So I made him toast with jelly. I asked him if he wanted water or orange juice with his toast. He replied, "orange juice". So I was about to make him orange juice, when he said, "No, you want chocolate milk!" Now, chocolate milk is a special treat in our house. Caleb will drink all of his chocolate milk and then be so full that he won't eat his meal. So I told him that I'd be glad to make him some chocolate milk, but he couldn't have it until he'd eaten his toast.

Apparently, that was the worst thing ever, because it spurred twenty-plus minutes of screaming, kicking, hitting... you name it. I did great, though. I calmly ignored him, spoke to him when he was calm, and repeatedly offered his choices. When he hit me, though, I knew something had to give. I got some blue painter's tape and marked a square on the floor. I told Caleb it was his time-out square, and he had to sit there for two minutes because he had hit Mommy. At first, he resisted and fought the idea. But then? He liked it. He wanted to sit there. When his two minutes were up, he asked me to set the timer again! I'm pretty sure that's not how this is supposed to go...

After time out, I took the picture above. Guess what's in the cup? Water. He never even got his chocolate milk, but he ate all of his toast. I say that's a win for Mommy!

Then there's this girl. The tantrums don't even faze her.

For as challenging as Caleb has been lately, he's been really good about sharing his toys with Daisy. He doesn't mind if she plays with his things, as long as she doesn't eat them. The moment his toys go to her mouth, he gets all antsy and uncomfortable. It's really pretty funny.

Later, before Major Tantrum #2...

I put Daisy down for an afternoon nap, and Caleb said, "You get the monitor and go outside and Caleb can ride Caleb's bike, please?"

It sounded like a good idea to me.

My brave boy rode all the way to the stop sign. Doesn't he look like a bold explorer, conquering uncharted territory?

Then he realized he could push himself up our sloped driveway, pick up his feet, and roll backwards. Talk about fun!

Then he pushed his bike into the garage, told me he was done, and wanted to play baseball. That's when he hit me in the face with a baseball and had Major Tantrum #2.

In other news, I scanned the signs the kids made me for my race. I thought this was so cute that it was worth sharing.

I'm now hitting the "reset" button on my day. Tommorrow will be better.

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