October 1

Today was a weird, weird day.

Today, I ran 10 miles and bought curtains, and Chris picked up his race packet for the MO' Cowbell Half Marathon tomorrow morning.

That's it. That's all we did, all day. But it was just weird. Caleb and Daisy both had wacky naps, and by late afternoon they were both tired, cranky, and annoying. Chris and I were tired and cranky, too. (Note: when Daisy is unswaddled at night, she nurses. Every. Five. Minutes. EXHAUSTING!)

During my run today, I spent each mile praying about a different topic. During Daisy's mile, God reminded me that when Caleb was this age, I turned into Angry Mom. Remember her? I spent a good three months being angry all the time, just because he forgot how to sleep. Not this time, folks. I refuse to do that to myself, or to my child. So this time around, I'm aware. I know that this is the age where Daisy needs to re-learn how to sleep, that it's normal, and that it will pass. I will not waste my energy trying to force her to sleep, because the only person who will get tired will be me. Please remind me of this (gently), should the occasion arise.

Today's weirness meant that I only took ten pictures, and only two are even close to being worth showing you.

This morning, I was eating my breakfast at the kitchen table when I looked up to see this. Caleb had climbed onto the couch, wiggled his way over to Chris, and then plopped onto his lap. Sweet.

Daisy always joins us at the table, even if she doesn't get to eat. I gave her the lamb, but Chris wasn't satisfied. His babygurrl needs more toys to entertain her. She certainly wasn't hurting for company after Chris addressed the situation!

Bed now. It will be an early morning; hopefully the kiddos sleep tonight!

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