October 6

Today was a MOPS day, so we were away from home all morning. We got home at 12:30 and had lunch on the patio.

Note Caleb's foot on the patio table. I let our normal table rules slide a bit when we're dining al fresco.

Ha! I just realized that when you're looking for feet, this photo looks (at first glance) like Caleb is eating with his feet. Please allow me to clarify: While my child does have his bare foot on the table, he is not eating with his foot.

Chris and I have discovered that Caleb has a golden window for naptime. If he goes down for his nap between noon and 1:00, everything is fine. He goes to sleep easily, sleeps for two to three hours, then wakes up cheerfully. However, woe to the man (or woman) who misses that golden window.

Today, I missed the window. I left Caleb in his room at 1:25. He spent the next forty minutes talking, squealing, wiggling, kicking the wall, squirming... basically, doing anything a little boy can do in bed without sleeping. The third time I went in to quiet him, I found that he had turned 180 degrees in bed. I wordlessly flipped him around and left the room, and he finally fell asleep.

Luckily, both children seem to have been worn out by MOPS: Caleb slept for three hours, and Daisy napped for nearly that long. Hooray!

Yep. She knows when she makes her mama happy.
(85 degrees in October = breaking out the sundresses one more time!)

Oh, she kills me with the cuteness!

Chewing on her Bumbo chair. Delicious!
(and how about those monkey toes?)

Sweet baby girl! She knows she gets to see her GREAT Aunt Maggie tomorrow!

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