October 11

It's really amazing how easily Caleb and Daisy slipped right back into our routine today, after our fun trip to Chicago-land threw everything out of whack. Last night, they were both asleep by 8pm; Caleb slept all night and woke cheerfully at 6:45 this morning, and Daisy (miracle of miracles!) slept eight straight hours before I urgently woke her for a feeding, then slept, nursed, and slept until 8am. Naptime was delightful, and all was well. That never happens after a trip, but somehow it did today. God must really love me.

Unfortunately, I only managed to take crummy pictures today. Sorry. While they may not be high-quality photographs, I hope they at least make you laugh.

We visited the fabric store today to purchase fabric to make Daisy's Halloween costume (I had a stroke of brilliance for her - wait til you see it!), hair bands for Daisy, and a felt nativity advent calendar for the kiddos. (Fabric store trips are kind of an ordeal for me, so I like to save up projects and make one big visit.)

After we were done shopping, I set Caleb on the ground while I put Daisy in her car seat. He immediately climbed in the open car door, scrambled up the passenger seat, and situated himself in the driver seat. Then he removed his sandals, donned my sunglasses, and started "driving". He took a couple of sips from my water bottle (really), then looked at me and said, "We need some music!"

This kid has the driving thing down!

It's a good thing he can't reach the pedals!
(And that he doesn't know yet that he needs keys.)

At bedtime, I realized I hadn't taken any pictures of Daisy today. Here's a peek into the pre-bath fun at our house. 
Daisy, rolling around on Caleb's bed with Caleb's Cabbage Patch kid preemie that he insists on keeping naked. The girl is totally into  her feet right now - playing with them, sucking on her toes when she's hungry (really. She prefers to suck her big toe over sucking her thumb or fingers.), and generally entertaining herself with them.

Happy girl!

But that darn Cabbage Patch kid keeps butting in on the pictures!

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