October 5

OK. Yesterday was a good nap day. As in, Daisy napped. Today, not so much. She finally went to sleep and stayed asleep around 2:30, but that two-hour nap did little to calm my frayed nerves. At some point in all the ruckus, I thought, "Maybe I'm painting too rosy of a picture on my blog. Maybe I'm not keeping it real enough." (Ha ha - me? Not keep it real? I know. But still.)

So I present to you the real, unvarnished truth:
(I won't make it large to spare you the agony of looking at a larger version of this.)
This is me, at 3:05pm. Both kids were (finally) napping.
un-brushed hair
still in pajamas
un-brushed teeth
giant stress-zit on my chin

I debated whether to post this; this blog is, after all, about the kids. But I want to remember the good and the not-so-good parts of raising these little blessings. Right now, we're in a not-so-good patch. And it's hard. But I know that it's worth it. So I didn't get to brush my teeth or brush my hair or put on real clothes because I was too busy rocking and nursing and playing and feeding and diapering two little people. Right now, it makes me feel a little insane. But in the big picture, it doesn't really matter.
 (Unless I get a cavity and my teeth fall out. Then the kids and I will be fighting.)

Now. On to less terrifying things. Like bugs. 
Caleb found this awesome guy in our house. To be fair, he was on the edge of the screen door. But he was still inside.

I was upstairs, during one of my 4.1 million attempts to get Daisy down for a nap. Briefly successful, I came downstairs to find Caleb standing nervously by the door. I was certain he was up to no good and eyed him suspiciously, when he shouted, "It's a praying mantis! It's a praying mantis!" I laughed, thinking he was imagining things, but took a step closer and saw it. This dude was at least 3 inches long, and quite a marvel to look at. I was surprised to see that he had six legs! Caleb and I had fun looking at him and trying to coax him outside, until the bad boy up and flew at me! Then, the  battle was on. I whacked him right out the door. I'm pretty sure he survived, though.

Fifteen minutes later, Daisy woke up. 
This little girl had no idea she was driving her mama crazy.

"Who, me?"

"I'm a big girl now. Naps are for babies!"

Caleb and I listened to Veggie Tales' Silly Songs with Larry. One of his favorites (aside from "Endangered Love", a song about Barbara Manatee) is this one:

If you don't watch the video, it's "Larry's High Silk Hat", and it's all about... a hat. Now he wants to wear his snazzy hat everywhere.

During one of Daisy's 30-minute naps, I managed to cut Caleb's hair!
(singing "Yellow Submarine")

I think we're both pleased with the results. Though that front looks a little jagged in the picture... I think it's just swooping funny.

See? Big picture, today wasn't that bad. There were just a few rough spots, that's all.

1 comment:

  1. I refuse to click on that video and get whatever song that is stuck in my head. REFUSE. And as long as you're not leaving the house, I don't see any problem at all with pajamas at 3pm. And finally, I'm just going to go ahead and break this to you: most children do not nap like Caleb. You might actually be entertaining an angel with him. I'm pretty sure most children nap like Daisy. And, finally (for real this time), I can't tell at all that your hair isn't brushed.
