October 31

Happy Halloween!
Today was another do-nothing Monday, enhanced by the fact that Chris took my car in for an oil change. No car seats = we're not going anywhere! The kiddos didn't mind staying at home, though.
Caleb and Daisy hung out in their pre-costume Halloween garb,
(That's right, they had Halloween clothes AND costumes. Because that's how we roll.)
(Really, Caleb's shirt was a fifty cent garage sale find, and Daisy's was a gift from Grandmother.)

and inspected the pumpkins. Caleb was excited to see the Cardinals represented on them.

After naps, it was finally time for costumes. 
Caleb was Diego, from "Go, Diego, Go!"

This is Diego:
I think we did a pretty good job! The orange thing is Diego's rescue pack, and absolutely necessary.

Daisy was Diego's best friend, Baby Jaguar.

Here's Diego with Baby Jaguar:
So Daisy may have been more of a metaphorical jaguar than a literal one; I chose to spend $2 on a not-so-jaguar-y remnant of fabric for her costume, rather than buying a more realistic material. She didn't seem to mind.

My sweet little Diego and Baby Jaguar.
(Can you believe how big Daisy is getting? She's practically a teenager! Today I went in to check on her while she was napping on my bed, and she had rolled over. She was wide awake, chilling on her tummy. She looked up at me with a great big grin, like, "Hey, Mom! What's up?" It was crazy.)

Though it was Caleb's third Halloween, tonight was his first time trick-or-treating. We did it super-early (like, not quite 6:00) and only hit four or five houses. He did great: at every house, he said, "Trick or Treat!" and thanked the person, and he seemed to really enjoy himself. Our major mistake? Trick-or-treating before dinner.


Caleb ate candy for dinner. Next year, it will be dinner first, then trick-or-treating. Rookie mistake, right?

Our happy family.

Jenny came over to hang out with us and took this picture. Our neighbors Drew and Melanie also joined us; we lugged our firepit to the driveway, and brought out a crock pot full of chili. It was so much fun to sit around the fire and chat and hand out candy! This Halloween was definitely a winner.

Also a winner? 
Our pumpkins.

They look so cool, I  barely even mind the fact that I sliced open my thumb while carving them. (See my bright blue bandaid in the picture above? I actually really do mind that I sliced open my thumb - the darn bandaids won't stay put!)

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