August 9

Caleb is 25 months old today, but I guess you stop counting once they reach two, huh? That's ok. You and I will both know that he's not just two; he's 25 months old.

Daisy tried the Bumbo chair today, with limited success. Mostly, she tried valiantly to remain upright, but wobbled around like a drunken bowling pin. (Yes, I know there's no such thing as a drunken bowling pin, but can you see what I'm trying to say?) She is, however, rocking the tummy time,  and getting much closer to doing a full-fledged baby pushup.

I tried to cut Caleb's hair today. He let me use the clippers on the bottom, but the moment I reached for the scissors, he flipped out. Then he began insisting that his shirt was itchy because of the hair clippings. After much fussing, he ended up shirtless, with a wonky haircut.

Oh well. He's an artist.

Budding photographers can be considered artists, right?

He'd better end up being an artist, or he'll have to come up with some other excuse for his wacky behavior.

On an unrelated note, did I mention that Caleb has memorized his first Bible verse? The children's ministry at our church is  pretty awesome, and they have kids as young as two work on memory verses each month. This month's verse is Psalm 18:30 "God's way is perfect." I know, it's short. But he's two. And he has it memorized! OK, it's still a work in progress. Sometimes he garbles his syntax, and ends up saying, "God is way perfect." But since that's theologically correct, I'm not too worried about it.

Daisy is pretty impressed with Caleb's scripture-memorizing skills. Though that's the only thing that impressed her today; she took crummy naps and fussed a lot. But she's a baby, so I guess that's what she's supposed to do.

To keep her happy, I wore her a lot today.
To keep Caleb happy, Daisy wore his Cardinals hat.
I'm wondering why no one is doing anything to keep me happy?
Oh wait. It's because they're babies.

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