August 10

First, the bad news. I weighed Daisy today, and she was only 11 pounds, 11 ounces. That's a gain of 2.5 ounces since last week - a pretty poor showing, indeed. But she's happy, and healthy, and weight gain tends to slow after twelve weeks (she's fourteen weeks old today), so I know I shouldn't be too concerned. We see the doctor in two weeks, so hopefully my concerns will be calmed then.
And no matter how skinny she is, she's a rock star at tummy time.

Who wouldn't love this skinny little face?
(Right after she did this, she rolled over. Guess that means no more tummy time on the patio table!)

Now, the good news. My baby sister turned 29 last week! For six months out of each year, my sisters and I are each a year apart. That six months starts now, and we are 29, 30, and 31. Fun! Due to crazy schedules, we couldn't celebrate last week, so we celebrated tonight at a Mexican restaurant near Jenny's house.

Daisy thoughtfully wished her Aunt Jenny a happy birthday.

Emily. Her little boy turns one tomorrow!
(AACK! We're all getting so OLD!)

Ryan and Max. Aren't they cute? I can't believe Max is almost one!

Jenny and her birthday cake. See how I cleverly made a "29" out of crumbled Heath bars? Yep. I'm a cake-making fiend.

My mama and her baby!

Caleb was eager to help Jenny eat her cake. She rewarded him with a tradition from my mom's side of the family - the annual birthday nose-buttering. Really. I guess people get bored in small-town Iowa and come up with random things like that?

Caleb also got to help Jenny open her present. He kind of adores her.

Chris and his babygurrl. Why is it that my child is always cheerful and content, until we go to a restaurant? It's like they know. She alternated between fussing and sleeping in the wrap most of the evening.

But she managed to squeeze in some Mimi snuggles before the end of the night. That made her a happy girl.

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