August 29

Another do-nothing Monday.

It was a great morning: I'm pretty sure Daisy slept through the night (either that, or I don't remember feeding her. Either way, a win for me!), both kiddos slept in until 6:45 (yes. 6:45 is sleeping in.), I woke to find a cup of Hazelnut half caf waiting for me and laundry going in the washing machine, and it was beautiful weather. If only all mornings were like this!

We took our sunny dispositions out to the patio for some family fun time.

Caleb stood 18 inches from his bubble machine and let the bubbles blast him in the face.
This kid knows how to have a good time.

Daisy demonstrated her tummy time prowess.
(Side note: Caleb now calls it "tummy time". I'm not sure why, but there's something inherently funny about a two-year-old using the phrase "tummy time". As in, "She's doing tummy time, Mommy!" Am I wrong?)

Pre-babies, and even pre-Daisy, I never really thought babies could have personalities. I mean, by the time they're six months old, yeah. They have personalities then. But little bitty babies? I always thought they were just snuggly little blobs.

And then came Daisy, with her trademark grin. 
"Arr, matey! I'm so happy, I'll eat you up!"

And another, slightly less pirate-y version of the same grin.

I'm pretty sure Daisy can't smile without opening her mouth up as if to gobble you up. It's kind of funny, until you read World War Z. Then you start worrying that she's some sort of zombie baby, about to feast on your brains. Or am I projecting here?

This afternoon, Jenny came out to visit. Caleb quickly lured her outside, and introduced her to one of his favorite outdoor pastimes:

Running down the hill.

Don't worry. He was fine.

Also, guess which big boy pee-peed on the potty for the first time tonight?

No, not Chris.


Maybe I'll have him potty trained before he hits puberty, after all!

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