August 23

Caleb and Daisy's doctor just returned from maternity leave, so both kiddos had appointments today - Caleb had his 2-year check up, and Daisy had her 2-month appointment. (I know, we're a bit behind. But she was on maternity leave!)

They both did great. Caleb weighs 26.7 pounds (28th percentile) and is 34.25 inches tall (35th percentile). I guess we grow 'em small around here! The doctor is also concerned that Caleb may be tongue-tied, but he wouldn't let her get a thorough inspection of his mouth. Her concern stems from the fact that his two bottom teeth turn inward to form a slight "V", which is a hallmark of an untreated tongue-tie in older children. Apparently, it can lead to dental issues in older kids, including that "V" and crowding of teeth. She wasn't in a big hurry to fix it, though; it was more of a "wait-and-see" approach, which I like.

Daisy also did great. She weighed 12 pounds, 2 ounces (25th percentile) and was 25 inches tall (90th percentile). The doctor was officially unconcerned about Daisy's weight, so I can relax.

 *big sigh of relief*

Now, some pictures before I run off to book club:

Caleb, reading to himself in his chair.

See the band-aids on Daisy's thighs? She had 3 shots total. She seems a little bit touchy this afternoon, and a lot sleepy, but she's fine. She consoled herself by snuggling with her BFF, Elmo.

She LOVES this Elmo. I'm pretty sure she spent a solid thirty minutes snuggling with him this afternoon. Sweet girl!

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