August 12

Today was another great day.

French toast for breakfast.
Daisy napped.
Caleb watched "Go, Diego, Go!"
then ran around like a mad man, shouting, "GO, DIEGO!!! GOOOO!"

It was cool enough this morning to warrant the BabyLegs.

Daisy was smiley and delightful, 
as usual.

She did a great job with her tummy time, and even rolled over a few times.

Pool time.
In the BOB, on our way to the pool.
Caleb insisted on wearing his "snazzy hat", not his sun hat.

A surprise thunderstorm.
I popped Daisy in her wrap, grabbed an umbrella, and joined Caleb to splash in the rain.

It was a lot of fun.
(Chris' grandmother gave me that umbrella over ten years ago. Now it's making her great-grandchild happy, just like it made me happy.)

Chris came home from work early. 
Caleb was explaining to Daisy, "This is a snazzy hat."

"Daisy wear snazzy hat?"

"Daisy take a picture?"

Then Daisy napped, and Chris, Caleb and I snuggled in bed before dinner. What a great day.

Also, last night, Daisy slept in her crib in Caleb's room for five and a half hours before she woke up.
Tonight, she made it forty-five minutes. But I just put her back in the crib again. Hope it works. It's already looking like a rough night - Caleb has been sleeping in his Big Boy Bed for two and a half months, and just (JUST) fell out of it for the first time.
 I'm listening on the monitor as Chris tries to get him back to sleep, and it doesn't seem to be going so well.

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