August 11

When Caleb woke up this morning, I went into his room and opened his curtains. From his bed, my groggy little boy said, "It's a beautiful day!"

And he was right. Bright blue sky, fluffy white clouds, shining yellow sun, and a balmy 80-something degrees. I knew then that it would be a good day.

Caleb, Daisy and I went downstairs. I busied myself making breakfast while the kiddos hung out in the living room. I peeked my head around the corner and found this.

That would be Caleb, with his Daddy's Bible.
He's "reading" it to Daisy. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like she's getting much from the Word at this point; she looks pretty unimpressed.

The kids and I went for a run, came home, had lunch, and then both of them napped for two hours. Daisy woke up first, and we had some quality time together before Caleb woke up. She was being so sweet, and the light was so great, that I had to grab the camera.

Apparently, I'm pretty funny. Today Daisy mastered the "raspberry" sound. You know, "pbbbblt". It's pretty sweet to hear her do it, and she's so proud of herself when she does.

Daisy and Mommy, lounging on the bed: a self portrait.
We definitely enjoy  our time together!

Caleb got a present in the mail today: a school bus book!
When I showed it to him, he said, "Oh! It's a real school bus!"
Then he tried to drive it around on the floor.

Then we went grocery shopping. At the deli, we bought some sliced ham and some sliced turkey. The ham is a household staple, but we don't get turkey regularly. When I gave Caleb a slice of turkey to nibble while we shopped, he called it "white ham". Love it.

Before bathtime, I gave Daisy some naked tummy time. She had to roll over four times in a row, then start crying when I put her on her tummy the fifth time, before I got the hint that she wasn't in the mood. Point taken. But lesson learned: the bulk of cloth diapers clearly inhibits little-baby rolling. I suspected this with Caleb, and Daisy has confirmed it. Both learned to roll at appropriate ages, but rolled with greater frequency when they were unincumbered by the bubble-butt that cloth diapers create on little babies. Interesting, no?

And now, my friends?

Daisy is asleep in her crib.
Caleb is asleep in his bed.
They are both sleeping in the same room.

Until now, Daisy has been sleeping in a co-sleeper next to our bed. Our bedroom won't accomodate a crib, and we really don't want Daisy in our room long-term, anyway. But since our house has only two bedrooms, it is an eventual necessity that Daisy and Caleb share a room. We've tried nap times together, and the longest Daisy has ever gone is two hours.  We'll see how tonight goes. My best-case scenario is that Daisy sleeps until it's time for her nighttime feeding, which lately has been sometime between midnight and 4:30 am. (I know. She's been unpredictable lately. My breasts don't appreciate it in the morning.) Then I'll get her, bring her back to my room, and let her finish the night in the co-sleeper.

Sounds good on paper, right? Let's hope Daisy is in on the plan.

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