August 2

Happy 9th anniversary to my baby-daddy and loving husbando! It doesn't seem like we could possibly have been married for nine years, but when I think about all of the fun times and adventures we've had, I guess it makes sense. You'll remember that we celebrated early by picnicking in the park where we were married, but today we also took the kids out for a celebratory breakfast. Caleb, Daisy and I came home, and everything was fine, until naptime.

Daisy went to sleep at 11. Great. She was tired; she needed an early nap. I took Caleb up for his nap around noon, reminding him as we went up the stairs to be quiet, because Daisy was sleeping in his room.

I know. As if that would actually work.

Caleb was over-tired (because he chose to wake up before 6 am. Seriously.), and so he shrieked like a banshee instead. So Daisy woke up. Then she screamed through Caleb's pre-nap book reading.

Caleb went to sleep. But Daisy stayed awake. When I finally got Daisy to sleep an hour and a half later, Caleb woke up, again shrieking like a banshee. I had to let him scream for twenty minutes, then hold him for another 45 until he was able to act like a normal human being.

That, and Daisy's blessed knack for sleeping through the night has stopped. Boo.

So I'm a little bit crabby and grouchy. Add to the lack of sleep the fact that half marathon training officially starts today (I'm running two miles as soon as I finish this!), and poor Chris is probably wondering why he married me nine years ago.

But I took some good pictures today!
Daisy compensated for not napping when she should have by being exceptionally sweet and funny and talkative while Caleb napped.

"Who needs sleep? Not me!"

Ahhhh! Sweet baby feet! Don't you just want to kiss them?

After nap time, Caleb and I got some one-on-one time while Daisy slept. Today, he discovered that his train letter magnets do more than just connect in a boring old train:
They also stack!

This kid was so proud of his handiwork! He has the letters to his name, and will easily spend twenty minutes at a time connecting, disconnecting, arranging, rolling, organizing, and now stacking them. Funny boy.

Later, he wanted to play outside. The forecast called for a high of 103 today, so  I was a little bit skeptical. Then I remembered the tubs I got for his birthday party. Perfect!

Caleb thought so, too. The hose-water was cool and refreshing; in fact, it was so cool and refreshing that Caleb didn't want to get in at first! Then I convinced him, and he was so glad he got in.

Daisy even got in the water for a little bit, though it was a tad too cold for me to feel comfortable leaving her in it for too long. I was just sad that I didn't fit in the tub!


  1. You took great pictures today! The light in that first picture of Daisy is perfect - and so is she, obviously. At least you can count on running after bedtime for one thing: no whining or screaming to be heard! (unless it's yours, of course)

