August 19

I'm not sure what to say about today. Here are the facts:
  • Caleb screamed for (no joke) thirty minutes straight because I wouldn't let him watch Diego. It wasn't a temper tantrum; he just screamed, "You want to watch Diegooooo!" repeatedly for thirty minutes. I did not cave.
  • I willingly gave up my nap today to clean out the refrigerator. This may or may not have been due to the presence of six month old English muffins in said refrigerator.
  • We went grocery shopping this afternoon, and spent what we normally spend on two to three weeks' worth of groceries. I'm still not sure how that happened.
  • Scotty, the produce boy, was handing out samples of canteloupe. Caleb loved it and called it "Candy-loop."
Now, here are the photos:
Caleb had another tantrum because he wanted to drink out of a baby bottle. I'm really not sure why he wanted to do that so badly; he's never even seen Daisy drink out of one. But he did.
Our compromise was that he could drink out of an open-topped bottle, no nipple. He was very happy with this compromise, and didn't spill a drop.

Caleb found my old softball glove hanging in the garage, and immediately required that I get it down and help him put it on. Then he stood there, looked around, and said, "Just like at Busch Stadium!"

Daisy has started joining us at the dinner table. Caleb sits in his booster seat, and she sits in the high chair. (No tray, because she doesn't get food yet. I don't think I'll start her on solids until she's at least eighteen years old.)
She seems to really enjoy being part of the action, and most of the time she's content to just watch Caleb. It's sweet how much she loves him!

Also sweet? This video.

During bath time tonight, Caleb started singing "Jesus Loves Me" totally out of the blue. We hadn't even sung it at all today. It was so adorable that I had him do a repeat performance after he got out of the tub. He did a pretty good job with the lyrics, considering he got no prompting or help from us.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Caleb! OMG I am almost crying he is so cute singing! That first photo reminds me a lot of Chris when he was that age :)
