August 25

1. Caleb is obsessed with the TV now.
He's only been allowed to watch TV since he turned two (not quite two months ago), and he normally watches about thirty minutes of TV each day (some days he might watch up to forty five minutes...).But it's gotten to the point that all he does now is whine to watch TV or watch a music video on YouTube. Today he started in with the whining as soon as we went downstairs this morning. I realized that it's becoming an unhealthy fixation, so I put my foot down. No more TV or computer until I say so.

This may be harder for me than it is for him. We started the whole TV thing to distract him while I pump each morning, and it's been really useful to buy me a few minutes to put Daisy down for a nap. But I don't want my kiddo to be a crazed TV-head, so I'll just have to be resourceful and find other ways to entertain him quietly. I'll keep you updated about how the battle goes.

2. I am home alone. Chris is off at a Cardinals game with work, so I did all day, dinner, and bedtime all by myself tonight. I realize that for many parents, that's status quo, but for me it's a big deal. Chris always entertains the kids while I make dinner, and does bathtime and bedtime. Tonight was the first time I've ever had to do that with two kiddos. And you know what? I rocked it. Both babies were asleep before 8:00, and I'm still sane. Hooray!

3. To maintain my sanity today, we had to visit my mom this afternoon. We needed a distractor, and she's really good at that.
Isn't my daughter hilarious?
I love:
her hair
her dress
those tights!
the look on her face
the way she's holding onto Grandma's thumb
everything about her

Caleb was excited to play with the tricycle again. I anticipated this, and brought his helmet.
(really. huge geek, right here.)

But instead, we brought the tricycle inside. I figured I don't need to worry about protecting his head on the carpet.

Or do I?

Ha ha! She blows bubbles.

Also, there's this video from yesterday:

If you don't recognize the song he's singing, you can listen to it here:

I suppose his ability to sing it so well is a result of the 7,391 times he's watched it on YouTube, but I'm still sticking with my screen ban.

Pray for my sanity.

1 comment:

  1. 1 - your husbando loves TV... Caleb probably has the gene... Sorry. Full house, Growing Pains, Cardinals baseball...
    2 - your 8:00 bedtime is what an efficient parent does... your husbando wastes time chasing, tickling, and wrestling his kiddos to never meet the bedtime and keeps them too excited to sleep.
    Sorry... I just have to make up for lost time... They're too fun to put to bed... :)

