August 1

We celebrated the beginning of August by meeting an old friend at the park for a playdate. Keeping the excessive heat in mind, we chose to meet at the splash park where we had Caleb's birthday party. The only problem? We met at 9, but the fountains don't turn on until 10. And then they were broken. After several calls to the city, a maintenance man finally came out and set the fountains a-splashing.

Daisy took the heat in stride, and didn't complain at all. She just stretched out on her towel in the shade, and enjoyed the breezes off the pond.
(She may have also totally skipped her morning nap due to the excitement of the playdate. I've paid for that all day - it's 9:00 pm, and she's STILL not sleeping well. Heed that, woman! The first nap of the day is the most important!)

Neither Caleb nor Daisy napped particularly well after our playdate. When Caleb woke up from his shorter-than-usual nap, I brought Daisy into the room with me. Caleb immediately said, "Daisy's awake!"
Why yes, dear, she certainly is.
"Daisy sit in Caleb's lap?"
uh... OK?

I carefully placed Daisy in Caleb's lap and showed him how to support her head. Then he gave her a sweet little kiss.

I love that she's just relaxing in his lap, while he strokes her head. I see Caleb's brotherly affection working out very well for Daisy.

Then Caleb decided to hold Daisy's hand. He delcared, "Hol Daisy han!" and grabbed her with a firm grip. As I was worrying about whether it was a kind hand-holding or not, Caleb started counting.
"One. Two. Free. Fourrr. FIIIIIIVE!"
Yep. He was counting her fingers.

Also, Caleb's contribution to tonight's bedtime prayer:
"Thank you 'Close Your Eyes'. Thank you vitamin."
Chris and I looked at each other and knew we were raising that kid right. What other child thanks the Lord for James Taylor and vitamins? None.

Now. Any bets on whether Daisy actually sleeps tonight? My money is on "NO".

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