August 13

Sorry no post yesterday - we were out late, and when we got home, I was too exhausted to blog. Where were we?

Busch Stadium!
It was Christian Family Day at the ballpark, so our church was offering super-cheap Cardinals tickets. Baseball, with all of our friends? How could we pass that up?

Daisy was excited to attend her second Cardinals game.

We didn't tell Caleb about the game ahead of time, because we knew how excited he'd  be. Combine that excitement with a two-year-old's lack of understanding of time... nothing but drama. While Caleb napped that day, I ran some errands. Chris decided to tell Caleb about the game when he woke up from his nap. Bad move. I returned home to a teary-eyed Caleb, sobbing, "Go to Busch Stadiummmmm!" Poor kid. He wanted to leave NOW!

When we were finally ready and got him into the car, he was all smiles. The whole way downtown, Caleb kept asking, "We go to Busch Stadium?"

We stopped and saw Caleb's BFF, Fredbird. Caleb was more interested in the riding lawn mowers on display around Fredbird, though.

Daisy was a champ for most of the game.

Caleb, staring at the Arch like a deer in the headlights.

Sara immediately claimed Daisy for some snuggles. It looks, though, like she's not the only baby-lover in her family. Cooper was excited to give Daisy some loving. What a sweet little boy!

Daisy was really much happier to see Sara than this photo may suggest.

This little boy is in heaven!

After about the 7th inning, though (right around bedtime), Caleb started to wilt. He didn't fuss, but he kept saying, "Go bye-bye! All done!" We've figured out that those words are his code for, "I'm tired and I'd like to go home now, please."
Luckily, Sara is a much more experienced mom than I am. She planned ahead, and brought some sugary snacks. Those perked Caleb right up, and he was cheerful for the rest of the game!

In fact, he even had some energy to spare! He held Chris' hand and walked all the way back to the car. We walked through CityGarden, marveling at how beautiful it is at night. When we approached these fountains, we couldn't resist. Chris let go of Caleb's hand, and Caleb immediately - and fearlessly - ran through the water. He was so happy, it didn't even matter that he was soaking wet and we had no extra clothes for him.

Isn't it beautiful? It's a shame it's so hard to capture things like this at night.

When we got to our car, we had to do a quick on-the-ground diaper change. As soon as Chris laid Caleb down, Caleb grabbed Daisy's hand. How sweet is that?

And then our little boy endured the long drive home clad in nothing but a disposable diaper and some BabyLegs. He didn't seem to mind, though; he was fast asleep within minutes.

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