April 5

I am not Super Mom. 
Apparently I can either accomplish things, or I can do a lot of school with Caleb. 
Just not both on the same day.

Today was a school day.

My friend Jill, who has a daughter a month younger than Lily, posted a picture on Instagram of her daughter's name-writing practice.
Writing her name?
Lily should be writing her name? Crap. So after we dropped Daisy off at preschool, I printed out a practice sheet for Lily. She informed me that I didn't need to teach her, because she could teach herself. After showing her how it worked with a purple marker, I left Lily - and her orange marker - to her own devices.
Actually, that bottom line does almost look like her name! Sadly, I can assure you that it is nothing more than random scribbles. Still, look at how proud she is! That counts for something!

Today also happened to be voting day. It's just a local election for school board president and a few municipal issues, and I was tempted to skip it. But I changed my mind on the way to pick Daisy up from preschool, and we all went out to vote. 
There was only one other voter when the kids and I arrived, and the election officials were all excited to see the kids. Just like last time, they had special ballots for the kids to fill out, and the election judge made a big deal over all of the kids. There were a few ladies working, and they were fascinated by the way I had Eli wrapped on my back. They very nicely asked for a demonstration of how I got him up there, so we quickly obliged, then had a conversation about traditional African wrapping. It was lovely!

Caleb and I did lots of school in the afternoon, and I got a late start on dinner. Chris and the kids ate, and I left for a really productive chiropractor appointment. However, my muscles were really angry about all the work my chiropractor did, and I returned home with a headache. Luckily, Caleb was willing to do his training run with Chris while I stayed home and gave the little ones baths.
Post training run selfie: Daddy Edition.
That's run #8 for Caleb! Chris reported that Caleb had a great attitude, and they had a lot of fun. Hooray!

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