April 28

I am so distracted by these caterpillars that I can hardly type; Cup of Caterpillars #2 has been much more successful than Cup #1, and all five are big and fat and look like they're ready to spin their chrysalides any day now. They are wigglier and more active right now than they have been all week, and they're so much fun to watch!

But. We had a lovely day. The weather was perfect, and it seems like my oak tree is almost done torturing me with its pollen, so we walked Daisy to preschool today and stopped at the library on the way home. 

And then once we were home, Eli somehow did this:
Baby's First Bloody Nose.
I was standing maybe six feet from him, but I didn't see what happened; I just heard him shriek and start crying. I think maybe he used a chair to try to pull up to standing, and bonked his nose on it? Poor baby. A few snuggles later, he was just fine.

Daisy's preschool time was much too short, and soon it was time to pick her up, feed the kids lunch in the van, and take Caleb to Speech Club. Afterwards, we spent twenty minutes at a playground before nap time for Lily. 

When we got home, I noticed this:
That would be milkweed, growing through the boards of my deck. The deck is 2 or 3 feet above ground, and the plant is maybe 4 feet from the edge of the deck? I have no idea how a seed managed to get down there, let alone germinate and grow through the deck boards. I was impressed, but I still uprooted it and tossed it out. We have plenty of milkweed in our yard, and don't need to keep a plant in the center of the deck.

I didn't get around to doing yesterday's carry of the day, so today I did two.

Yesterday's carry was Back Cross Carry. It was fine. I liked the nice, wide seat, but it probably won't be a go-to carry for me.

Today was day 28 of the 30-day challenge, and the carry was a Back Rebozo carry. This is how mamas in South and Central America regularly carry their babies, but it didn't do anything for me.

After dinner, I had a chiropractor appointment. I returned home to find Chris playing baseball with the kids in the back yard. This was my welcome:
I think I should go away more often! They need a chance to miss me!

Caleb was playing baseball at first, but Daisy was itching for a turn. 

She's pretty good! Chris said he was very impressed, and Daisy told me the other day that she wants to be a baseball player when she grows up. She quickly corrected herself and changed it to softball player, but only because she knows that girls play softball and boys play baseball. I'm pretty sure she prefers baseball.

This was right after she got a really good hit. Look at that grin! She loves playing! I think she is going to make her Great Aunt Deb very proud.

And then I snapped this out-of-focus picture of Caleb that I just had to keep and share because he seriously looks just like my dad as a boy in this picture. I think it's something about the big brown eyes and the broadness of his cheekbones, but the resemblance stopped me in my tracks.
(Also, I think Caleb may have his first loose tooth! He complained all day that he kept "biting his tooth". Finally I realized that his tooth must be loose, and therefore in a different spot, which is why he's biting it. I will keep everyone updated as to the progress of Operation: Loose Tooth.

He told me he was running so fast that he was a blur. I provided photographic proof.

Blurry Daisy!

Jumping Daisy! Look at that hair! And doesn't she look like she's flying?

Now she's being an airplane. I am so thankful that my children are having moments like this in their childhood. I hope they remember it forever.

Curious Eli, trying to grab the camera.

And where's Lily? 
Apparently this is how she poses for the camera.

Hi, Eli! I didn't forget about you!

1 comment:

  1. I Love these! How fun and that greeting coming home is the best!
