April 25 and 26

I only have cell phone pictures for these days, so I am lumping them together and calling myself caught up on the blog. Plus, Eli is waking up from his nap, so I have to hurry!

On Monday, we visited my friend Sara's Child Development class again. It was great, and she sent me a ton of pictures, but I am not sharing any of them because I am lazy and I want to be done. Then we stopped by my mom's house and played with her for the rest of the morning. We got home, ate lunch, Eli took a short nap, and then he woke up and vomited all over me, at least four times.

It was awful, and he was miserable.
Still, we tried to do some school.
Eli likes the globe, or "ball". Caleb had baseball practice, but Chris was able to leave work a few minutes early and meet us there, so all I had to do was load the kids in the car, drive there, drop Caleb off, and drive home.

Daisy freaked out. She wanted to go to practice, but Chris only has one spare car seat in his car, so it was a no-go. When we got home, I actually laid hands on the girl and prayed for her because she was acting possessed.

Then I wrapped Eli up in the carry of the day and made dinner.

I was terrified that he would vomit down my back, but he didn't. This is Jordan's back carry, which I liked! After Chris and Caleb got home and we ate dinner, I met with Daisy's preschool teacher for parent-teacher conferences. Daisy is doing great, and is ready for kindergarten and beyond. She just told me this week that she is willing to do homeschooling in the fall, so that decision is made for our family: we will homeschool another year. I am mostly excited.

Tuesday was preschool and then speech club. This is Eli waiting in his car seat while Caleb is at speech: 
He was done with the sitting in a car seat thing. Luckily, he was also done puking, so yay?

And Tuesday's carry of the day:
Flipless Symmetrical Half Jordan's Back Carry with a Candy Cane Chest Belt.  I wanted to love it, but found it to be uncomfortable. Not for me.

And then I had book club, and ran off to a Mexican restaurant to chat with my people. My book club has been meeting monthly for over five years now, and they just feel like family to me. I am thankful for them!

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